Day 1-Praise is Inevitable. In the "My daily praise" section we're instructed to read Revelation 5 and even make up a tune when the verses express a song. If I can be honest, I feel like this could be an easy "opt-out" for most of us. Make up a tune? How silly? What if someone hears me? Let me urge you to read Revelation 5 as truth, and that scene is happening right now, and one day, you'll be in the scene as well! Don't lose the Heavenly perception of God and the praise He's due. He's far more more worthy than our minds could imagine, so go on, sing to Him.
Day 2-Perfect Praise. This is so convicting. Perfect Praise emerges from a worshipful heart, happens when we approach Him trusting, humble and in total dependence, like children, and Perfect Praise happens when we depend on God to initiate and perfect our praise. WOW! So it's our responsibility to have a pure heart, child-like approach, but ultimately, we must depend on God to put the praise in us. Is our praise of our own mustering and manipulation of emotion? Or is God birthing praise from the Spirit of God in you?
Day 3-Ways to Praise. Eight expressions of praise starting with the visible: kneeling, dancing and raising hands. I love how I'm learning real definitions through this study. Like when 2 Chronicles 20:18 says they worshipped the Lord, the word worship is the Hebrew word "shachaw", which means to bow down, reverence, fall down, stoop and crouch. "Yadah", the Hebrew word in Nehemiah 8:5-6 & II Chronicles 20:21b. Yadah is praise and thanks to God by lifting your hands, throwing out your hands! When the singers went 1st before the enemy is II Chron, they not only were singing, but they were lifting their hands, NOT in surrender to the enemy, but in praise to God! WOW! That could be a good southern gospel song right there!
Day 4-Vocal Praise. If you're redeemed, say so! Shout! Sing! Speak it! I think you'll experience a break through in your visible and vocal praise when its not up to you to come up with it. When it's praise that God initiates in your spirit, you'll say so, you'll have to.
Day 5-Audible Praise. I can't help but be drawn back to this point. Praise in inward-out. Look over the 8 expressions of praise: kneeling, dancing, raising hands, shouting, singing, speaking, playing an instrument and clapping. If these expressions are far removed from your real day to day life, then you must return to Day 2 of this week. God must work something in you. Don't let this week's study pass you by. It's absolutely essential.
Day 3-Ways to Praise. Eight expressions of praise starting with the visible: kneeling, dancing and raising hands. I love how I'm learning real definitions through this study. Like when 2 Chronicles 20:18 says they worshipped the Lord, the word worship is the Hebrew word "shachaw", which means to bow down, reverence, fall down, stoop and crouch. "Yadah", the Hebrew word in Nehemiah 8:5-6 & II Chronicles 20:21b. Yadah is praise and thanks to God by lifting your hands, throwing out your hands! When the singers went 1st before the enemy is II Chron, they not only were singing, but they were lifting their hands, NOT in surrender to the enemy, but in praise to God! WOW! That could be a good southern gospel song right there!
Day 4-Vocal Praise. If you're redeemed, say so! Shout! Sing! Speak it! I think you'll experience a break through in your visible and vocal praise when its not up to you to come up with it. When it's praise that God initiates in your spirit, you'll say so, you'll have to.
Day 5-Audible Praise. I can't help but be drawn back to this point. Praise in inward-out. Look over the 8 expressions of praise: kneeling, dancing, raising hands, shouting, singing, speaking, playing an instrument and clapping. If these expressions are far removed from your real day to day life, then you must return to Day 2 of this week. God must work something in you. Don't let this week's study pass you by. It's absolutely essential.
Expression literally means: "indication of feeling, spirit, character, etc., as on the face, in the voice, or in artistic execution." An expression is secondary to the source from which it comes. In other words, you can't express gratitude to someone if you're not grateful. And if you do, they usually can tell you're not sincere. You can't express love to someone you don't love. You can't express praise to God if praise isn't in you. Is your heart worshipful? Are you coming to God in trust, dependence and humility? Are you seeking for God to put the praise in your heart?
Psalm 51:15-"O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth shall show forth Your praise."
Psalm 51:15-"O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth shall show forth Your praise."

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