Hey everyone! Curious about the subject line? You'll have to read till the bottom to see what I mean! (DON'T SCROLL!)
I just wanted to send out a lil encouragement to you all on taking a step this Easter season in teaching your children the holiday's meaning and message that truly is the core value system of Christianity!
Here's an easy read article from focus on the family and at the bottom you can click on "Next article in this series" and there are several in the Easter line of thought.
Another really neat idea is "Resurrection Eggs." Christy & I picked up a dozen at Family Christian Store in Gainesville last night for $13! They're plastic eggs each filled with an object that leads up to the crucifixion of Jesus. http://www.familychristian.com/shop/product.asp?ProdID=119502 We plan on making it like an advent or lent. We'll start tomorrow night and end Easter Sunday AM with the last egg. It also comes with a guide book so you know EGGxactly what to say. (i couldn't resist)
I want to share from experience: at the suggestion of a Focus on the Family article, http://www2.focusonthefamily.com/focusmagazine/spiritualheritage/A000000600.cfm
my family & I started an advent wreath this past Christmas. There's many forms out there, this one we had put in a daily devotion form. I remember being skeptical as I read the article boast, "This will become your family's most cherished Christmas traditions!" Listen, it really did. We began to really, really look forward to it. Every Christmas card we received, we'd place them by our wreath then that night in devotions, we'd pray for that family. (so if you sent us a card, you got prayed for! hehehe.) In fact, we were so skeptical, we didn't go buy THE advent wreath and official advent candles, ours was homemade. BUT, in January, while in a Christian bookstore, we were thrilled to find a beautiful advent wreath on after-Christmas clearance and we pray this will be a memorial every season to our devotion and love for the Savior.
Ok, so, all that to say-we're hoping the Lord blesses these efforts and through this season, may our children glean a deeper understanding of the cross of Jesus. I'd love to hear your feedback and/or input on how you impress your children's hearts!
p.s.-After their baptisms, early Christians wore white robes all through Easter week to indicate their new lives. Those who had already been baptized wore new clothes to symbolize their sharing a new life with Christ.
They may not come from a department store, but Christ clothes us in His righteousness. So, will you have new clothes this Easter?
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