Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Week 1, Day 1

First Day and it's already sparked my inner man to action. I shouldn't say "it", rather, the Word of God.
I've read II Chronicles 20:1-30 many times actually several time over the last year. It started with a publication I used to receive for Worship Leaders that included an article on this passage. Some of you probably remember me referring to it. When I read the instruction to read the passage, truthfully, I almost opted out, because of my familiarity with it. I'm so glad I didn't bypass this part. His Word isn't like a movie or something that since you've seen it a few times, you can skip it. Why? Because the Word of God is the only...thing, for lack of better a term, that's a tangible, real, object that has a real and true supernatural power. So all that to say, don't be like me and think you could skip the scripture reading when it's familiar.

vs18 of our passage today says: "Then King Jehoshaphat bowed low with his face to the ground. And all the people of Judah and Jerusalem did the same, worshiping the Lord."

"According to Strong's Concordance, the word worship here means 'to bow down, prostrate oneself before a superior in homage, before God in worship.'" -Pure Praise Devotional, pg 13.
If we aren't surrendering to Him as Lord, not just acknowledging that He is Lord, but surrendering ourselves to His lordship in us is a prostrate type way, then our worship isn't Biblical.

The challenge is to put worship or what we think of it under the scope of a Biblical worldview and be honest with ourselves. Perhaps we've drifted from this Biblical worship. Perhaps? Nah, most assuredly we have.

In the section, "My daily praise", the question is posed, "How has God recently shown Himself gracious, merciful, or powerful in your life?" (pg 14) It would be very easy to run right through these words and give them little consideration because of our Christian vernacular. Please don't. Take each word and write it in the provided section on pg 14 of your workbook, and describe how God has shown Himself each as each of those ways: Gracious, Merciful and Powerful. This will be a great way to begin this study.

Love ya Choir-Let me hear back from you all on any of these thoughts. YAY-we're bloggers!


  1. I think it is working?


  2. I thought we were supposed to start our study last week. I did get days 1, 2, & 3 done last week and day 2 was my favorite!!

    So, don't miss day 2!

  3. Yeah! It's working. I do believe worship is for any time. I know I sing and praise Jesus on the way to and from work and while cleaning house.So everyone make a joyful noise unto the Lord.
